Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Chapter 3 Vocabulary

These are people who want to purify the English Church.  They had very strict moral  views and thought pleasure was unnecessary and wrong.
Mayflower Compact
While traveling on the Mayflower, the Puritans made a contract.  They decided how they would govern themselves, wrote it all down, and signed it

The Mayflower Compact is one of the earliest examples of self-government and lead directly to the U.S. Constitution. 
indentured servant 
a formal agreement to work as a servant for a certain amount of time, usually 3 to 7 years,  in exchange for transportation to the New World
Growing up, I often felt like an indentured servant in my own house.  My parents made me do chores in order to earn money for weekend activities.

slave trade
the business of capturing, transporting, and selling human beings
Contrary to popular belief, the slave trade is still active in the modern world.  Humanitarian groups world wide report that the majority of these human beings transported as slave are women and children.

cash crops
a crop grown in order to be sold rather than to be used by the people growing it
EXAMPLES: tobacco, sugar, & cotton

Coffee is a modern day cash crop
controlled by representatives who are elected by the people of a countryorganized according to the principle that everyone has a right to be involved in making decisions

During this election season we have the privilege of seeing the democratic process at work. 
a group of people who are elected to make decisions or laws for a particular country, area, or organization
The California State Assembly will meet this Saturday to discuss a bill that will effect middle schools and their students.

a signed statement from a government or ruler which allows a town, organization, or university to officially exist and have special rights

Whittier was founded in 1887, but it did not have an official charter until 1955.

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